Harrington on Holdem 1,2 and 3 – Poker Book Review

If you’re an aspiring winning poker tournament player we urge you to read our review of Harrington on Holdem 1, 2 and 3, these books could change your poker win ratio forever

Caro’s Book of Poker Tells – Poker Book Review

Caro’s Book of Poker Tells by Mike Caro is one of the most popular books ever written on poker in the world, read our review here

‘Poker’s a day to learn and a lifetime to master    Even the worlds best poker players will tell you that they will never know everything about poker. But we all have to start somewhere so here at PokerHarder UK we will help you start.

If you don’t yet know anything about poker but are interested in playing and learning then our Hand will be a good place to start you should also check out the rules, once you have learned these two you will be on the right track but don’t worry you can come back here and refer to them at any time.

It will take a while to get to grips with playing poker properly but you can have a great time learning it here at PokerHarder UK.  You can of course read poker, watch Poker, read up on the numerous articles written about poker and you can watch TV shows and movies about poker.  You can even take poker quizzes and tests to see how much you already know.

Poker isn’t all about gambling though, unlike other casino games like say roulette and slot machines where you play against the house, in poker you can play against other humans all trying to win like you are.  So if you learn the skills and have some good solid poker, you will be at an advantage to other players who haven’t.  Whereas if you where playing other games like roulette, blackjack or slot machines the house always has the edge and will always win in the long run.

Playing against other humans rather than the house means you can gain an advantage and make money out of their mistakes.  You can also choose when to bet, raise or fold meaning that you can put your money in when the odds are stacked in your favour.  Therefore if you become a good enough player you can make a regular profit from playing poker.

You can learn more about playing in the PokerHarder UK, learn poker section.