Poker can be a very fun game to play but if you’re serious about poker it can be a thrilling challenge to out smart other players and win the game, nothing though can compare to how good it feels to beat other players and win real money for your skills. We doubt becoming a professional poker player would be too appealing if there wasn’t such huge money involved.
With the rise in popularity of online poker, players can now access thousands of different games at all different stakes and buy ins any time of day they please. Because of this poker boom, poker rooms now have tournaments with huge guaranteed prize pools where players can win millions of dollars every year. Not only are these prizes huge but they are also accessible to players with any bankrolls, thanks to the introduction of satellites and qualifiers players can win themselves seats in the biggest games from as little as $1 or from a freeroll!
Not long ago poker was a game that only the rich or shady could play in smoke filled rooms with other ‘business’ men chomping on cigars and betting their houses. Now though players can access games at any buy in and play with other regular people just like them. You can even sit down at a real money cash table with just $1 and play the $0.01/$0.02 stakes or buy into a tournament for just $0.10. Poker rooms are safe and your money is your own, some players though still worry and even these players aren’t excluded as they can play freerolls for nothing and try to win real money!
It should not be forgotten though that poker is a skill game and if you don’t want to lose and you wish to be a successful player then you should make it your business to learn what you can about the game and give yourself and edge over other less diligent players. There is plenty of information here at PokerHarder UK and what we can’t tell you we will let you know of someone who can.