is behind digital poker tables that don’t require any dealers to shuffle up and deal. The PokerTek company and website have been developing and marketing products for the gaming and amusement industries since 2003.
PokerPro was PokerTek’s first automated poker table with software applications to increase revenue, reduce expenses and attract new players into poker rooms with fast and mistake-free poker. The idea was to make a product that would both benefit the casino as well as the poker player.
What they eventually came up with was some sort of hybrid between online poker and live poker. So you get the advantages of online poker; no dealer mistakes, more hands dealt per hours, many different variations of poker to play and less time needed to play a sit and go or a multi-table tournament. Unlike online poker, you will be able to stare your opponents down, have a real conversation and order a drink (or two).
Some other cool features the PokerPro table offers that other traditional live tables don’t have; showdown odds, the ability to view previous hands, session statistics and maybe best of all there’s no more need for tipping.
After the success of the PokerPro table (which is now available in casino’s worldwide), PokerTek went out to create a new digital poker table named the Heads-up Challenge. The Heads-up Challenge poker table offers a head to head (Holdem and the Italian Bocce) platform in which players use buttons and trackballs to challenge each other.
The trackballs looks and feel similar to the ones from the GoldenTee golf games and are used for increasing your betting amount. This is especially fun when going all in and trying to make the ball spin as fast as you can (not that it’s going to help you improve your hand or anything).
Unlike the PokerPro table, the Heads-up Challenge table is designed for bars, restaurants and game rooms, not for casino’s. The game itself won’t allow you to actually play for real money, but you can easily make a side bet with your opponent on who will win the headsup poker battle.
It’s a great idea and ideal for those moments when you are in a pub and get into an argument with someone about your poker skills. All you will have to do is cough up a dollar each and let the headsup challenge begin.
Both of these digital poker tables are currently available in casino’s and bars across the world. If you want more information about PokerTek or the availability of these poker tables near you then check the website.
Here’s a video of the PokerPro and the Heads-Up Challenge poker tables at work (there is no audio with the headsup video so you might aswell play them at the same time):
{youtube, E5kGiAq6cPw}
{youtube, lMVwewMZCLs}